Tuesday, January 13, 2009


time, i have too much time on my hands. 3 more hours until bedtime, that is way too long. what!? it is 7:00 already time to go to bed. ok so i have the whole night to do things, nothing is on so i should be able to clean. i'm too tired to move, i'll watch anything. the baby wants to be held. it is 11:00. time for law and order. lets see how much i can get done in an hour. alright an hour and a half. sex and the city is on. i better go to bed. i hope c will sleep at night. 4:00 feeding - 6:00 feeding- 7:30 feeding. i drift off into a very deep sleep. i hear cyber chase and m crying. i better get up and everyone out of the house. rushing around, commanding, put on your pants! put on your shirt! socks! shoes! while getting d dressed. down and out the door. phew! silence! mommy i want bati. whahhh c starts to cry. coffee then a full day ahead. i hope i can get something done.

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